En sexto hemos estado repasando el verbo TO BE en presente y explicando el pasado. Aquí os dejo unas imágenes con los apuntes. Podéis pinchar en ellas para verlas más grandes.
El tema 4 trata sobre China. Para aprender más cosas sobre este país, pincha en los enlaces:

Geography of China
The Great Wall of China
Legend of the Shadow Puppets

Now some GAMES to practise the vocabulary of the unit:

My classroom: Listen and look for the school objects.

School: different games to practise vocabulary

A wordsearch to practise school subjects

* There are two ways to ask the time in English:
What's the time?
What time is it?

* Look and learn:

La unidad 4 de sexto trata sobre Grecia. Para aprender más cosas sobre este país, pincha en los enlaces:

The Greek world
The Olympic games
Greeks at home
The Greek Gods

Every February 14th  we celebrate Valentine's Day by giving flowers, candy and cards to those we love. We do this in honor of Saint Valentine. 
Look at these cards and make one!!!!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Lidia, teacher Ángeles and Christian, María Xuánand Isabel Mª!!!!!!!!
This will help you to write the date in English.
So, for example, to write the date today:
Monday, January 30th  2012.

Or tomorrow:
Tuesday, January 31st  2012.

Happy birthday, dear Alejo, Alberto and Manuel Jesús from the fifth level!!!